Mansion Hotel i Athina

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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GrækenlandMansion Hotel



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28, Satovriandou, 104 32, Athina, GR Greece
kontakter telefon: +30 21 7736 8145
internet side:
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Latitude: 37.9853016, Longitude: 23.7266108

kommentar 5

  • Adrian Stubergh Stensrud

    Adrian Stubergh Stensrud


    Good hotel, but refusing to let you have visitors in the room because of laws is ludicrous (even for five minutes). If you're looking to bring home a one night stand, think again and pay a few bucks more for a more professional hotel. Nice people but not at all accommodating. Maybe it's no wonder Greece needs bailouts..

  • Alessandro Vandin

    Alessandro Vandin


    Location is quite central, although not the best neighbourhood. I was provided with a small but very modern and clean room. The sink is really very small. Staff was very kind and friendly. Great value for money.

  • en



    The staff is very nice and the rooms clean and comfortable, all in all the hotel is good. The area around however is a different story... many weird people and thieves....

  • en

    Robert Whelan


    Google calls it a family hotel, maybe once you get inside it is. But I wouldn't take my kids there as the area it is around is not great. Alot of shady people, prostitutes out the front working both days and night. This is a shame for the hotel as it was today but i would guess they get a few walk-ins for a room

  • Aleksander Steinsvik

    Aleksander Steinsvik


    Room is equipped for a spartan, but has all you need. Seems decently washed, although some of the interior might have seen better days. We arrived at night, and in the 2 min walk to the hotel you meet some seedy guys and girls of the night. Nothing to say of the receptionist, he was very welcoming and helpful. It goes to say that you get what you pay for

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