Ambrosia Suites & Aparts i Athina

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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GrækenlandAmbrosia Suites & Aparts



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52, Sokratous, 104 31, Athina, GR Greece
kontakter telefon: +30 21 0523 3350
internet side:
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Latitude: 37.9850753, Longitude: 23.7271054

kommentar 5

  • Peleg Tzur

    Peleg Tzur


    The worst place, the bad environment outside there are drunks etc. prefers not to elaborate.

  • Lee Young

    Lee Young


    Very reasonable hotel in Athens. You can walk to Santigma. Location is wonderful but recently area getting non-Greek.

  • en

    Asmerom Haile


    Amazing staff and clean hotel

  • en

    Ryan Cellona


    We stayed in the hotel for 3 nights, it was a very place to stay due to the location which in the heart of City very easy to access with the transport , train,bus,tour bus. Also near to the reasonable restaurants... the Man on the reception with the Name of Antonio is super helpul and very accomodating to his guest... toilet is small but clean, there is also a small kitchen, breakfast is included and it is a good to start for your new day...

  • en

    sean herd


    Location is the only bad point, it is located on a run down street that is heavily frequented by what are clearly prostitutes and pimps. Rooms are spacious and clean with a really good air conditioner staff are all friendly and polite.

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