Central Park i Heraclión

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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GrækenlandCentral Park



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Heraclión 712 02, Grecia
kontakter telefon: +30 281 034 6500
internet side: www.central-park.gr
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Latitude: 35.339862, Longitude: 25.133499

kommentar 5

  • es

    Elena Shiu


    Todo genial, comida, servicio y precio. Pero ruidoso si estas abajo por la gente y música alta, si quieres cenar tranquilamente tienes que ir a la parte de arriba.

  • Alka Gupta

    Alka Gupta


    An excellent choice if you like the local delicacies along with a myriad of other regular food items such as pasta, risottos, salads and many more. For starters we had shrimps with an absolutely flavourful lemon oil which complimented the shrimps so well. For mains we chose to have mushroom risotto which tasted like it was made with love! It was so scrumptious and we enjoyed and devoured every morsel! Seeing as we were impressed with the risotto and the shrimps and were not filled, we ordered linguine with shrimps which was very dissaoppointing as we were expecting it to be as delicious as the risotto. But alas, it was quite far being remotely close to as delicious as the risotto. They kindly offered to not add it to the final bill which was kind and sweet of the staff. For dessert we ordered the truffles and The Chocolate both of which were divine! The truffles need to get a special mention as they tasted absolutely delectable and every bite would melt in your mouth! They were absolutely divine! The location was in the prime town centre and it had a good ambience with good music too! In totality, I would highly recommend this restaurant as we thoroughly enjoyed ourselves and the staff were very pleasant, warm and welcoming too!

  • es

    Hector De Carlo


    Lindo lugar las porciones de mi hijo eran la mitad de la porcion mia, el plato es desproporcionado

  • Carmen Laura Delgado Pérez

    Carmen Laura Delgado Pérez


    Es uno de los lugares de moda de Heraklion, tienen todo tipo de comida y bebidas, y todo un grupo de personal que están 100% dispuestos a ayudarte. En la noche tienen DJ que ambiental muy bien el local.

  • Joaquín Alexandre

    Joaquín Alexandre


    Comida y ubicación excelente. El servicio muy amable pero un poco lento.

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