Eagle Car Rental i Chania

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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GrækenlandEagle Car Rental



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61, Daskalogianni, 731 00, Chania, GR Greece
kontakter telefon: +30 2821 044358
internet side: eaglerentacar.info
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 35.5166542, Longitude: 24.0209514

kommentar 5

  • CIP Telecom

    CIP Telecom


    Was hands down THE BEST rental car experience I've ever had. From the quickness and ease of checking in and out the door. To the absolute best prices around. Had exactly the car we requested. Car was great. Return was just as easy. Great great great.

  • en

    Roar Holtedahl


    I highly recommend this car rental company. I have rented cars from Eagle Rent a Car, Chania, multiple times, every year since 1997. They are always helpful and stick to the agreed delivery and return time and place. The agreed rental fee comes with no surprises. If I had problems with the car rented it turned out my own fault. Typically when booking in due time, I get a 0-2 year old car. On rare occations, booking late in the peak season I may find the car offered somewhat seasoned.

  • en



    Sadly these guys cancelled on me just before I arrived. Be very careful. Very unprofessional!!

  • en

    Νίκος Μιλιδάκης


    Best price, best service 🚘🛵

  • en

    Minal Jay


    Everything was excellent overall. We just came back from Chania, Crete and we rented an automatic car from Eagle and we could not be more pleased. They made the entire process so very convenient, simple, smooth, and easy. Also, you can't beat their price for the value given. I shopped around and I know! At first, we had a reservation with Avis in Platania. That was too far away. So we took a chance with Eagle, and I am so glad we did. They delivered the car to us (free of charge) in the morning of our RSVP. They had a good insurance plan on the car, that gave me peace of mind while driving the roads there. Additionally, the woman who delivered the car was really nice and took time to answer every question I had. Also, returning the car was as easy as handing the key to the front desk person at our hotel. Easy breezy. That's really how it should be done when you are on vacation. So stress-free. I know I will use their services again.

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