Elpida Resort & Spa GR

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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GrækenlandElpida Resort & Spa



🕗 åbningstider

12, Exochon, 621 22, GR Greece
kontakter telefon: +30 2321 020000
internet side: www.elpidahotel.eu
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 41.1031481, Longitude: 23.5492319

kommentar 5

  • Σπύρος Κοκκόλης

    Σπύρος Κοκκόλης


    Quality keeps deteriorating. Used to be good, no longer is. Breakfast becomes worse every year and looks like it is actually last year left overs. Swimming pool closed and refurbished in June? What were they doing in winter? No longer recommended.

  • Nimrod Arman

    Nimrod Arman


    Nice hotel, basic breakfast. The staff is part nice and part less... Very hot in mid-May, the AC is either barely doing anything or just off.

  • Simoni Efstathiou

    Simoni Efstathiou


    Clean and relatively luxurious hotel. The main problem is that they seem to lack of organization and are a bit under staffed

  • en

    Stela Ivancheva


    Nice big rooms, good quality furniture and finishings, good view

  • en

    Ray Cooper


    Great Location in Serres, brilliant staff, who are courteous and willing to assist. Owner/Manager approachable and attentive to your concerns. I had a split level room. I was made to feel as if it was my home any from home. Only downside would be the food selection in the restaurant but that maybe because I tried everything at least twice. Best Swimming pool in Serres and good gym, sauna and inside pool as well.

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