LeaveYourLuggage.gr i Athina

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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36, Voulis, 105 57, Athina, GR Griechenland
kontakter telefon: +30 21 1410 8440
internet side: leaveyourluggage.gr
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Latitude: 37.9744216, Longitude: 23.7321433

kommentar 5

  • Martijn Schouwstra

    Martijn Schouwstra


    Erg handige plek om bijvoorbeeld je trolley veilig op te slaan. Ik was slechts 4 euro kwijt voor een handbagage koffer en werd geholpen door een erg vriendelijke meneer.

  • Swati Choudhry

    Swati Choudhry


    This place is so apt if you are at Athens for just one day.. all you need to do is leave your luggage here.. staff is very helpful and informative.. you can take printouts of boarding passes or any maps if you require free of charge.. its in the city centre so you can take metro once its time to leave..!!

  • iw

    Raanan Vaknine


    מקום מאוד בטוח להשאיר בו את המזוודה, נמצא בקומה השנייה של בניין שנמצא על הרחוב, עולים קומה ומגיעים לחנות, תמורת 8 יורו תוכלו להשאיר שם את המזוודות ליום שלם, המחיר זהה בין אם משאירים לשעה ובין אם משאירים ליום. A safe spot to leave your luggage, it is on the second floor from Voulis street, you go up one floor and you will get to the place, for 8 euros you can leave your luggage for a full day, the price is the same if you want to leave your luggage for a full day or for one hour

  • Iztza Paez

    Iztza Paez


    Excelente ubicación, puedes hacer tu recorrido sin arrastrar la maleta por toda la ciudad. Te saca del apuro, aunque el costo me parece algo elevado, 11 euros el día por maleta grande. La atención es muy personalizada, tuve una agradable platica con quienes me atendieron. Muy recomendable.

  • en

    Andres Valladares


    Excellent place to store your luggage, you can leave the bags and just take a walk of 5 minutes to syntagma square where you can go to almost anywhere in Athens, if you need they can book a taxi to your destination. They will give you the key of your locker so no one is opening your locker. Is not expensive service and is an excellent place to leave your bags, 100% recommended.

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