My Escape i Rodos

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GrækenlandMy Escape



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50, Steliou Kotiadi, 851 00, Rodos, GR Greece
kontakter telefon: +30 2241 304895
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Latitude: 36.4303954, Longitude: 28.2192997

kommentar 5

  • en

    Chase Wentzell


    Came to Rhodes for a week and decided to play an Escape Room. My Escape had good reviews, so we booked the Paranormal escape room. I was speechless! Excellent room, scary one, quite difficult to solve and actors to make things even funnier. I had an excellent time and I would recommend My Escape to everyone for sure!

  • Melda Wayne

    Melda Wayne


    I have played a lot of escape rooms, but never with an actor. Amazing experience. Booked Hostel! We escaped just 2 seconds before time run out. Challenging room, needs cooperation to escape. I had really good time and when I visit rhodes again I will definitely pay a visit again!

  • en

    Sylvie Revet


    Really good escape rooms. Played Conjuring & Paranormal the same day. We were a team of seven and we had so much fun. We are into horror escape rooms and we loved those rooms. My favourite? Paranormal for sure. Great staff as well! 5 stars from me!!!

  • Diana Lewis

    Diana Lewis


    One of the best escape rooms I have played. Played Paranormal & Conjuring and they were so much fun!

  • en

    Ivar Brekkå


    Did the Paranormal. A crazy experience. Our first horror escape room, and the scary parts add a new dimension to the concept of escape rooms. The staff are very enthusiastic and nice. Recommended!

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