Parking Apollon i Chania

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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GrækenlandParking Apollon



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Grigoriou E, 731 00, Chania, GR Greece
kontakter telefon: +30 2821 086066
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 35.510729, Longitude: 24.02121

kommentar 5

  • en

    Micha Roest


    Valet parking. Good and safe. At a very low prize.

  • Adrian St John-bee

    Adrian St John-bee


    Very professional set up. You leave your car and keys with them and they park for you. Only took 3 minutes to et our car when we returned. Will happily use again.

  • John Holoway

    John Holoway


    The BEST place to park in Chania. Just place the car in the temporary bays and the staff park the car for you. On return, the car is brought back to you. Been going to Chania for years and this is the best

  • Martin Weber Kusk

    Martin Weber Kusk


    Great valet parking in central chania

  • en

    Jonty Barron


    Really great service. Read in multiple places that parking as a tourist in Chania Town is an absolute nightmare. You simply arrive in the forecourt and leave you car with the keys and they will park the car for you. Feels very strange but trust what they're doing - rental cars on the island are usually fully insured with no excess. Came back almost 4.5 hours later and the fee was only €5.70. The car was returned to us within 60 seconds of handing over our ticket at the desk, nice and cool as it had been underground the whole time. Will definetly use again next time we make the trip to Chania.

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