Pink Beauty Bar i Chania

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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GrækenlandPink Beauty Bar



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68, Chatzimichali Giannari, 731 35, Chania, GR Greece
kontakter telefon: +30 2821 404354
internet side:
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Latitude: 35.5139444, Longitude: 24.0180378

kommentar 5

  • en

    Chrystalla Kofterou


    Incredible service and extremely friendly staff!! Me and my friends had a great time at this salon, would definitely visit again.

  • Crystal Castro

    Crystal Castro


    Only went for manicure, woman are nice and welcoming

  • alessia corsaro

    alessia corsaro


    The girl that served me was perfect, but the final price was different compared to the initial one (it was impossible to clearly understand why) and when I removed the polish one of my nail had a fungus, as well as the nail of my friend who made the shellac with me; maybe we both had it before ?!

  • en

    Elizabeth Hassan


    The beauty bar seemed decent, so I went in for a mani-pedi with shellac/gel polish. The lady that served me was very nice and professional. However, I was charged a total of €60 for the service, which was on the pricey side and way more than the €44 Green Care Spa, one of the best beauty bars in the Old Town offered. I just couldn't get an appointment there that day. I excused the price and had the mani-pedi, but to my surprise, the polish on the middle finger of my right hand chipped that same evening and this was supposedly an OPI product. In my years of using shellac/gel polish, this has never happened. What I dislike more than overpriced products and services is sub-standard or low-quality products and services.

  • Jennifer Wellenberg

    Jennifer Wellenberg


    Thank you so much guys for today. I know it was a hard job but you're good. If I ever come back to Chania we will see us again 👍

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