Pro Center Rhodos i Ialyssos

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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GrækenlandPro Center Rhodos



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ferenikis, Ialyssos 851 01, Greece
kontakter telefon: +30 2241 096177
internet side:
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Latitude: 36.423457, Longitude: 28.15467

kommentar 5

  • Marius Vaitkus

    Marius Vaitkus


    Equipment is up to date, but more expensive than spots in Ixia. People working there where friendly, but didn't seem to know a lot about preparing the equipment with things like sails with too little downhaul and not very tidy attached footstraps. The two tier equipment rates where annoying, difficult to pick a board as some where unavailable, some are more expensive (I was given a more expensive one though, when I didn't find what I wanted from cheaper tier). Shore is small loose rocks (as in most spots in the area) so getting in an out is difficult and painful. It was better than I expected though, reading the other reviews :)

  • en

    Grzegorz Pantak


    My first impression when I arrived to the centre was very good. The equipment was very recent and the choice was impressive. Price system is not very convenient, it is very expensive to hire a gear for one day or a few hours. The most cost effective option is 5 days but there are also extras such as: insurance, performance board upgrade, harness . There are very strict rules in the centre that everybody must follow. I had a few unpleasant argument with rude and unhelpful crew. I think that they created those rules to avoid work. They just supervise clients. Some of them were OK thou. The wind condition was OK 15-25 knots, I managed to windsurf 5 out of 7 days of my holiday.

  • Максим Лопарёв

    Максим Лопарёв


    Great location, worst management. The head of this windsurfing station Jurgen shouted at my wife during her beginners lesson because she couldn't take this huge beginners board out of the water to change the sale while she were left unattended by her trainer. You can judge yourself how professional it is. Moreover it were paid lesson.

  • en

    Alexander Hüttenhofer


    Do not ever visit this windsurf station, the people there need to work on their manners, as the previous people have already pointed out; if you run a business like this, you should be friendly and helpful to your customers. If you want to ruin your business you should behave exactly as the people from the shop: unfriendly and really bad manners!

  • Nicolas Hüttenhofer

    Nicolas Hüttenhofer


    Worst surfshop on this planet! As one of the other reviewers already posted: the people there need to work on their manners...; to call the girl from the desk unfriendly, rude and obnoxious would be a severe understatement! As for the teachers: same thing : arrogant and really obnoxious. If you want to go to a windsurf station in Ialysos where everything is the very opposite: go to Windsurfers Paradiese just a couple of minutes by car further up north: competent and friendly teachers, nice and friendly personal and prices for a lesson half of the price of the Pro Shop ( where they charge you 90.-€ for nothing)

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