Skiadopoulos Ltd i Athina

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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GrækenlandSkiadopoulos Ltd



🕗 åbningstider

1, Mavromichali, 106 79, Athina, GR Greece
kontakter telefon: +30 21 0384 1979
internet side:
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Latitude: 37.9825195, Longitude: 23.7337303

kommentar 5

  • amelie bretodeau

    amelie bretodeau


    Very friendly and professional, willing to help you with everything you need. Also they carried a great stock of Lomography products in great prices!

  • Kyros Moutsouris

    Kyros Moutsouris


    Temple for Leica fans in Athens Greece. Very friendly staff. Dimitrios will answer all your questions and will advice you accordingly. Other new and used cameras available too...

  • en

    Zanxion 72


    Excellent service, unbeatable prices, friendly people. I buy all of my film equipment from there, from Expendables to lenses and cameras. They also offer camera service. I had my Leica M4-P serviced by them in no time and at an unbeatable price. When it comes to film, Skiadopoulos is my choice!

  • Michal Rohal

    Michal Rohal


    Photo equipment store obviously ran by photographers and industry people that know their trade. Reasonably large selection of analog cameras, materials, 2nd hand store and more. For latest digital equipment though, I'd look for some other place if you want something specific.

  • en

    Christian Robold


    Absolutely gorgeous and friendly service, competent staff and always willing to go the extra mile. Highly recommended!

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