Viva Wallet Holdings SA i Marousi

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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GrækenlandViva Wallet Holdings SA


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20, Amarousiou Chalandriou, 151 25, Marousi, GR Greece
kontakter telefon: +30 21 1760 4000
internet side:
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Latitude: 38.0417217, Longitude: 23.8087825

kommentar 5

  • Ioannis Kleanthous

    Ioannis Kleanthous


    One more case of ticket booking mess up. Thank you for singlehandedly ruining my vacation. That being said their support department was eager to apologize for the mess up and tried to make amends. I hope that means that effort have been done to avoid similar situations in the future and negative reviews like this will be a thing of the past.

  • george doumas

    george doumas


    the worst service i have faced all my life. no response for weeks. i will have to move legally to get my money back!!!

  • Marios Simopoulos

    Marios Simopoulos


    THE VIVAWALLET PREPAID CARD IS A SCAM, is not compatible with any service, is not supported from any site, etc. etc. Worst technical support ever, keep receiving for the past 3 weeks the following answer : your matter is being processed at the moment and you should expect a resolution later on today. They are not willing to transfer me to the appropriate department (can only be contacted through mail which are not replying). Also the system makes you to link the company account with a personal account and as a username they make you use a phone number which plays a crucial role with constant verifications code.... Seriously... there are so many alternatives... usernames, multiple phone numbers, two factor, etc, etc.

  • Sotiris Sakellarios

    Sotiris Sakellarios


    Excellent financial services, bringing the payments at the tip of your finger. Really cool, easy to use, and innovative.

  • Robert Faumuina

    Robert Faumuina


    Simply put not user-friendly

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