Azzurro Bar Cafe Restaurant i Kalamaria

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GrækenlandAzzurro Bar Cafe Restaurant



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86, Themistokli Sofouli, 551 31, Kalamaria, GR Greece
kontakter telefon: +30 231 041 9294
internet side:
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Latitude: 40.5901498, Longitude: 22.94525

kommentar 5

  • Άλκης Αργυρόπουλος

    Άλκης Αργυρόπουλος


    Nice location with beautiful sea view. Didn't like the attitude some of the staff

  • Michail pale

    Michail pale


    Excellent place with great view the stuff is very polite and pleased to help you plus their use of English is satisfactory

  • Eleni Enki

    Eleni Enki


    I guess I visit that place 3 times per week for sure! Good bar, very good prices, good quality drinks, nice view. The only suggestion is someday to renew the interior and to make it little beer more fresh and modern. Everything else is very good.

  • John Eidos

    John Eidos


    This place has one of the most spectacular views in the city of Thessaloniki to enjoy your coffee, your cocktail etc. Prices are logical considering the location. The staff is pleasant and friendly. It's one of the best choices in this city.

  • Irene Cotrina

    Irene Cotrina


    Trendy all-day bar with spectacular views on the sea and Thessaloniki. Interior and exterior seating are available, outdoors being very pleasant in the summer for coffee, drinks and a snack. It really looks like a place in the islands with these small olive trees, flowers and comfortable armchairs. Haven't eaten there, so I don't know about quality and prices . Coffee and drinks are in the average range, so I would say the place is affordable.

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