PARATY & LOFT multispace i Thessaloniki

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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GrækenlandPARATY & LOFT multispace



🕗 åbningstider

8, Pindou, 546 25, Thessaloniki, GR Greece
kontakter telefon: +30 231 052 2403
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Latitude: 40.6355196, Longitude: 22.9363123

kommentar 5

  • en

    Kaza Chrissa


    Interesting place, lovely atmosphere! Recommended for coffee or drinks.

  • en

    Στέφανος Τιλσίζογλου


    Very nice and relaxing place to enjoy a wine or beer. Prices are fine. The style and decoration of the whole place is something unique and very nice it adopts the style from every period of the year. It is a comfortable place. One of the very nice places of the area. Nice people also are visiting tha place adding some extra value to it.

  • Michael Karypidis

    Michael Karypidis


    Such a perfect and cozy place. The service is excellent and willing to help you. Also the products have very good quality. I am amazed!

  • Konstantinos Kourmousis

    Konstantinos Kourmousis


    Hands down the best atmosphere and decoration in town. Great service, friendly staff and delicious options to eat or drink

  • Iphigenia-Evangelia Chionidi

    Iphigenia-Evangelia Chionidi


    Great location, service and place. The decor at the loft is very nice and the music makes you wanna dance.

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