Colossos rent a car Rhodes Island i Rhodos town

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GrækenlandColossos rent a car Rhodes Island



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Akti Kanari 3, Rhodos town 851 00, Greece
kontakter telefon: +30 693 808 8712
internet side:
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Latitude: 36.447581, Longitude: 28.214127

kommentar 5

  • Karlakis Ioannis

    Karlakis Ioannis


    I had to cancel my reservation because we had a disagreement about the length of a day! According to the office the length of a day is 12 hours while i thought it was 24 hours! So when i wanted to rent a car for 1 day the rental was from 9am to 10pm. Guess the nights are not included as a rental period

  • Jyri Huttunen

    Jyri Huttunen


    Vuokraus sujui helposti ja vaivattomasti. Palvelu hyvää ja hinta sisälsi täyden vakuutuksen. Ei ollut omavastuutakaan. Suosittelen!

  • en

    Gianni Chr


    We had a fantastic time. Very reliable company. I' d recommend it. See you next summer again!

  • Eleni Pefani

    Eleni Pefani


    The service was excellent and the people great! We rented a car in August and got it from the airport. The car was there waiting for us, clean and new. The price was great. We recommend it with no hesitation!

  • Katharina Antoniadis

    Katharina Antoniadis


    I rented a car in September from Colossos Rent a Car and was very pleased with the service I recieved and the 24hour assistance. I got the car I ordered in excellent condition, and not a similar one, and the rate I was asked to pay was the same as agreed with no extra hidden fees. I definately recomend this car rental agency and will prefer them again on my next trip to rhodes.

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