Exotic Car Buggy Quad Rentals i Rodos

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GrækenlandExotic Car Buggy Quad Rentals



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Akti Kanari, 851 00, Rodos, GR Greece
kontakter telefon: +30 2241 043760
internet side: exotic-car-buggy-quad-rentals.business.site
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 36.4493642, Longitude: 28.2155161

kommentar 5

  • Bill D

    Bill D


    we've been in Rodos three times so far. all three of them, this was our place to rent. super cheap in comparison with other places, clean cars and very friendly people. we recommend it!

  • en

    howard berger


    Rent from these folks only if you wish to be overcharged and taken. I found the representative at ckeck in incredibly rude.They overcharged for a pre-existing scratch on the bumper.I cannot discourage your use of them strongly enough.

  • Sven Vandermaas

    Sven Vandermaas


    Way too expensive. A Jeep Wrangler will cost you €180 a day !! A buggy is €120 but you only get 100 kilometers free. After that one euro per kilometer. They probably would do more business if they drop the price. Too much competition with better prices.

  • en

    Lee B


    Cannot recommend this place at all. I would have loved it to rent a quad bike but as soon as I wanted to have a quick look at the contract just to be sure that I understood everything the guy got pretty angry and rude because he thaught that I didn't believe what he explained to me before. He wanted us to disappear and murmured something in greek. Bad service!!! Horrible.

  • en

    Nicolas Jaumin


    I would like to rent a quad from 1st september to 7th september. what is the price please? thanks

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