Hotel Cristina Maris Ξενοδοχείο i Λουτράκι

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GrækenlandHotel Cristina Maris Ξενοδοχείο



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Poseidonos, 203 00, Λουτράκι, GR Greece
kontakter telefon: +30 2744 069490
internet side:
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Latitude: 37.9679481, Longitude: 22.9731753

kommentar 5

  • Georgia kits Destunis

    Georgia kits Destunis


    Pleasant and enjoyable location. Hotel has everything you might want and above. Staff is very professional and experienced. Must visit. We will definitely come back.

  • Shazeen Virani

    Shazeen Virani


    Decent Beach area, older seats, but great prices.

  • Theodore Vasilopoulos

    Theodore Vasilopoulos


    The hotel itself is not bad, but it was way too expensive for what it was. - Too expensive even in low-season. - The bed was rock-hard and it would make loud noises with the slightest movement. - It wasn't particularly clean. - The seaside in front of the hotel isn't very nice. - The breakfast selection is very limited so beware if you're there for more than a couple of days. + The staff was very kind and helpful. + You can order any coffee you like and freshly squeezed OJ with breakfast with no extra charge. + Great location for restaurants, beach and nightlife.

  • Alessandro Borgna

    Alessandro Borgna


    I stayed here during a business trip, the place is clean and in a good location in front of the sea. The room I was in was not so big but comfortable. 5 minutes walking allows to reach a zone full of restaurants with a wide choice for dinner. Breakfast is good and people working in the hotel are really kind.

  • WebDesignWizards Limited

    WebDesignWizards Limited


    Very good hotel

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