Apostolos Nikolaidis i Athina

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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GrækenlandApostolos Nikolaidis


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160, Leoforos Alexandras, 115 21, Athina, GR Greece
kontakter telefon: +30 21 0644 4401
internet side: pao.gr
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Latitude: 37.9871877, Longitude: 23.7541618

kommentar 5

  • DemonSpeed03



    Not a great football stadium. Needs knocking down and rebuilding. Police everywhere but ok. Nice local supporters bar across from stadium.

  • J. Chalk

    J. Chalk


    Significantly improved organization to the last but still a questionable safety level. No parking

  • Panos Georgopoulod

    Panos Georgopoulod


    Very dirty around the football stadium. Need more cleaning and more attention from the city hall

  • Nur Anisah Abdullah

    Nur Anisah Abdullah


    We're looking for food and walked passed this block of apartment (or what's left of it, derelict). The one thing that hit me when I arrived in Athens 2016 was graffiti - almost every corner I took there were vivid displays of societal expressions of the state of living. What were they saying? The graffiti weren't just some irresponsible act of rowdy teens, I suspect they have deeper meanings. Some say the best work of art were produced during difficult times. People take on accessible channels to express feelings and emotions. Was it because people are faced with a period of challenging times? Were they unhappy about something but none was listening? Were those graffiti societal disgruntles in any sense?

  • Elena Haimeli

    Elena Haimeli


    Violent acts are prohibited by the law in all national stadiums of Greece and Europe! Respect the public! Children must be taught that sports are healthy and that they must treat others - most matter the differences - with equality! So worried about the crowd! Do something about it! Act now!

nærmeste Stadion

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