Castello Hotel i Rio

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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GrækenlandCastello Hotel


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21, Palea Ethniki Odos Korinthou Patron, 265 00, Rio, GR Greece
kontakter telefon: +30 261 099 2957
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Latitude: 38.2946937, Longitude: 21.7897834

kommentar 5

  • en

    Jean Goodier


    Brilliant hotel. 5minutes from Rio hospital. Good local restaurants and views of Rio Bridge within a short taxi drive. Very friendly staff speak good English and very helpful. Good hotel to stay if you want to self catering or just relax. Very well equipped.

  • en

    Ειρήνη Φασόλη


    Spacious new ,clean rooms. Great service. Delicious breakfast. Supermarket and bakery nearby. Avoid the hustle and buff of the city. Near stadium.

  • en

    Cheryl Lavin


    Great location for the hospital - 5 minute walk. Really nice accommodation with kitchenette. Supermarket right next door.

  • Verislav Georgiev

    Verislav Georgiev


    Wonderful hotel. Big and clean rooms. The staff is very friendly and always ready to help. Love it!

  • Ida Amit

    Ida Amit


    The room is clean , renovated, the staff is very nice, in the room there is a kitchinet. The air condition is good.

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