Electra Palace Athens i Athina

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GrækenlandElectra Palace Athens



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18-20 Νικοδήμου Street, Athina 105 57, Greece
kontakter telefon: +30 21 0337 0000
internet side: electrahotels.gr
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Latitude: 37.9737721, Longitude: 23.7314737

kommentar 5

  • Karen Kuhn

    Karen Kuhn


    This place did not disappoint. The staff here is so professional. The food was amazing and well priced. The rooms were comfy and clean. The view from the pool was stunning. Please ensure you have a couple hours to enjoy it.

  • Ondrej Dolejsi

    Ondrej Dolejsi


    Really good location, room was large and clean with a balcony and a view of Akropolis. Rooftop restaurant and bar had very professional staff. It looked like they are building another restaurant on yet a higher roof, this will be amazing. Would definitely stay here again.

  • Tanya Hatfield

    Tanya Hatfield


    Wonderful location, very walkable to all places. Really helpful staff. The views from the room and the rooftop bar and pool are incredible. Highly recommend for stays in Athens!

  • Stelios Andreou

    Stelios Andreou


    Didn't stay overnight at the Hotel. Had a business meeting there for three days. The place is very nice, beautiful inside, very clean and the staff very kind and helpful at all times. Colleagues that stayed overnight, said that the rooms were nice but very small. Although it's in central Athens, a busy and noisy place, it has quiet spots. A nice garden on the back and soundproof windows in the meeting rooms. Very good coffee and snacks. The lunch was nicely served and very tasty.

  • des chc

    des chc


    This place could do with a major makeover. How it has more than 4 stars is beyond me. The rooms were old and had a musky odour. The breakfast spread needs much improvement. Staff were not very friendly. Stayed in Electra Metropolis just before this and it was way better.

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