Faros studios i Stalos

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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GrækenlandFaros studios


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32, Palea Ethniki Odos Kissamou Chanion, 731 00, Stalos, GR Greece
kontakter telefon: +30
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Latitude: 35.5140585, Longitude: 23.9444839

kommentar 5

  • en

    Mattias Malmqvist


    Very friendly staff. Good food and drinks. Great service.

  • Tuure Thorström

    Tuure Thorström


    Friendly nice little hotel on good beach. Snack bar offers good coffee and food more and much better than we expected. Had a great week here with children (12, 10, 1 year old). Excellent staff. Location is good with the beach and small market and ATM and close to Chania. With rental car and National road close, whole island is close.

  • en

    Shelagh Cameron


    Wonderful, super friendly resort sitting right in front of a beautiful, sandy beach. This place is a gem and the staff are outstanding, especially Monika( a true beer fairy) of wonderful personality who cares for her customers so genuinely. The surroundings are really 3/4 stars, but the hardworking owner and staff elevate the experience to 5 stars. Highly recommended.

  • Claudia Mikaelsen

    Claudia Mikaelsen


    Great service! They make the best coffee and drinks we had during our stay. The food looked good too. I can warmly recommend the café/bar.

  • edvin linder

    edvin linder


    A great hotel with the baseline needs, good rooms, view and food. If you are looking for a vacation with mobility and freedom, Faros studios is the place for you! Expect great service and memories for life

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