Giorgi's Blue Apartments i Χανιά

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GrækenlandGiorgi's Blue Apartments


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Sarpidonos, 731 00, Χανιά, GR Grækenland
kontakter telefon: +30 2821 064080
internet side:
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Latitude: 35.5509433, Longitude: 24.0804863

kommentar 5

  • en

    Tony Ragans


    Friendly staff, great view

  • en

    Rachel McVinnie


    We had a family holiday and we all loved it. All the staff are very nice and gave us a nice warm friendly welcome. Kids loved the pool and the breakfasts. This is definitely an excellent place to stay.

  • Patrick Kallina

    Patrick Kallina


    Love this place, the owner makes you feel like family. If there's space, this is the only place I want to stay. Everything else is spot on. There's a pool available, but I recommend the small cove to swim in the Mediterranean. The only problem is that it's beneath the flight path for the airport, but I don't blame the hotel for that.

  • Jeisan Steeg

    Jeisan Steeg


    Best place to stay around Chania.

  • CJ Russo

    CJ Russo


    Ultra clean and spacious apartment with fully stocked and ready to use kitchen. Market up the street has ample food for reasonable prices to cook. Giorgio knows all the places to go and his recommendations are verified. Climb the sea rock down to a few small but gorgeous lagoons. Had a nice relaxing stay.

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