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Platia Iroon, 105 54, Athina, GR Greece
kontakter telefon: +30 21 0321 8627
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Latitude: 37.9785769, Longitude: 23.7250022

kommentar 5

  • Tri Tansopalucks

    Tri Tansopalucks


    Great service on a Friday night. Live music. Love the stuffed cabbage.

  • Serena K

    Serena K


    Random find when the restaurant we were looking for was closed around the corner. It's located in a cute little circle with a fantastic bakery right across the way. We opted only to order from the daily specials menu to try to keep a more authentic meal. The bread was fantastically soft in the center and probably filled me up faster than I should have let it. The moussaka was quite good... but not necessarily the best we had in Greece. The Stuffed Cabbage Rolls were absolutely amazing. I couldn't stop eating them until they were all gone. The cabbage was filled with just enough meat so as not to lose the taste of the cabbage. The sauce on top was like a lemon gravy. Photos do not do justice to the entree, which I have found to be consistent with all greek food we've had. The Kalogiros was a baked eggplant with a richly slow cooked beef and tomatoes and topped with gruyere cheese. I didn't feel like it needed all of the cheese, but of course what doesn't taste good with cheese? Overall a great find and we are glad we took the chance on it! Prices were reasonable and the wine that was recommended was perfect for the meal.

  • Andonis Rad

    Andonis Rad


    You can't go wrong with the food here. Good Greek cuisine with live music and polite staff. €

  • Louis März

    Louis März


    3 nights in a row.. That says everything! Heavenly food, super friendly staff, special athmosphare and live music. What else do you need! PS: and all that for a a fair price!

  • en

    Vipood Sofia


    Very good services & delicious seafood (I warmly recommand the grilled octopus). We had a nice lunch on a sunny table with good rose and saganaki. Later on, we decided to visit the place again for dinner to expirience the thematic greek atmosphere and live music, once more.

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