IDEAL i Αθήνα

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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46, Πανεπιστημίου, 106 78, Αθήνα, GR Greece
kontakter telefon: +30 21 0382 6720
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Latitude: 37.9823818, Longitude: 23.7313881

kommentar 5

  • Stelios



    Poor sound...

  • Vasia a.k.a. Ergaleio

    Vasia a.k.a. Ergaleio


    Beautiful building, I love the stairs and the ceilings. -2 stars because: The seats were very comfortable BUT they are not numbered and they do not offer a cup-holder. Also, there is a break cutting the movie in half and ruining it. The staff is exceptional, very polite and friendly.

  • Iossif Vardakis

    Iossif Vardakis


    No seat numbering makes people cram, sheep like to get in and then tun and fight over who gets what seat. Also: terrible fake surround sound (or just badly installed) and the famous Greek "interval" (cut movies in the exact middle, regardless of the perhaps emotional scene going on, just so the bar can do business). Pick some other place to see the movie.

  • Christos Sfiatkos

    Christos Sfiatkos


    Huge screen and very comfortable seats if you wanna experience the atmosphere of a non-multiplex movie theatre.

  • Foteini Traka

    Foteini Traka


    Great theatre, I was very impressed by the size and quality of the space. Good sound, comfortable seats and very large screen! 🎥🎬

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