Lucy Hotel i Kavala

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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GrækenlandLucy Hotel


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Iakinthou, 654 04, Kavala, GR Greece
kontakter telefon: +30 251 060 0060
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Latitude: 40.922171, Longitude: 24.389412

kommentar 5

  • Christopher Almojuela

    Christopher Almojuela


    The room we had faced the ocean. Watching the sunset and sunrise was beautiful! The room is spacious, modern, and clean! Not only was the food selection great both for breakfast and dinner, it was also delicious. The service of the staff was excellent. Location is right off the beach and conveniently located. Would stay here again if I ever come back to Kavala.

  • en

    kwame williams


    Great Hotel in nice location. Breakfast was really good with lots of variety. Small beach right in front of the hotel.

  • en

    Peter Vandermade


    Very nice hotel with a great view of the bay and city of Kavala and helpful front desk staff who speak excellent English. The restaurant is excellent too. Even though we booked for the wrong dates they were happy to accommodate us.

  • Mickey Blue

    Mickey Blue


    Beautiful hotel. Great location and good staff. Highly recommended. One tiny bone of contention is that water is not provided with dinner... Whereas coffee and juice is provided at breakfast... I would recommend every table has a pitcher of water as standard for every meal.

  • Andrew Middleton

    Andrew Middleton


    A nice hotel that we have now visited a couple of times. A super breakfast with lots of choice and very friendly and attentive servers. The bar is great with good meals and the buffet is also good value with lots of choice. The views are excellent and face put across the Aegean. It is a lovely hotel and I am sure we will return again. The picture is out of the room window..

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