MOJO cokctail & wine bar i Thessaloniki

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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GrækenlandMOJO cokctail & wine bar



🕗 åbningstider

4, Platia Aristotelous, 546 23, Thessaloniki, GR Greece
kontakter telefon: +30 231 027 6341
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Latitude: 40.6318491, Longitude: 22.94105

kommentar 5

  • Christos Kazantzoglou

    Christos Kazantzoglou


    Location is perfect: the cafe is centrally placed in Aristotelous Square, opposite the harbour. The place was reasonably prized, with a good drink selection. It is fine for a quick drink. Nothing exceptional, however. The juice my mum ordered was not cold enough. And the view from the place we decided to sit was not the best

  • Panos Piper

    Panos Piper


    Nice central place

  • Christodoulos



    I come here since I was teenager. I love the location and the romantic environment at night... it’s quite expensive, although I give 4 stars just because in the past they were giving you cookies, croissants and more with your drinks and now they give absolutely nothing. Anyway, I will still keep coming here because I love it :)

  • A K

    A K


    The atmosphere is nice, comfortable chair,and friendly staff. And cheap price, with 3.5 euro you will get one frape, and three sweets.

  • Haris Sarafidis

    Haris Sarafidis


    Maybe the best choice of its kind around Aristotelous Square. Stuff is very friendly. Love it!

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