Monk i Larisa

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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13, Apollonos, 412 22, Larisa, GR Greece
kontakter telefon: +30 697 202 3641
internet side:
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Latitude: 39.639738, Longitude: 22.414916

kommentar 5

  • Martin Brláž

    Martin Brláž


    Great place to chill. Staff was really nice to us. Beer was also very good. Would definitely recommend.

  • Nut53l0t 312

    Nut53l0t 312


    Great place for a chill evening. It offers a wide variety of beers and wine has a beautiful in side and outside space and the prices are quite normal. The music theme is mainly rock and the place is quite popular.

  • Athanasios Dardoumpas

    Athanasios Dardoumpas


    A very nice bar in a cozy place at the center of Larisa. Love the music there. The reason I don't give 5 stars is for the waiting time for the order taking and delivery.

  • Chris kall

    Chris kall


    One of the best coffee/bars in the city. Would recommend 13/10

  • Αριστείδης Οντούλης

    Αριστείδης Οντούλης


    An excellent Rock bar. Nice warm place. Tasteful drinks and very wellmade coffee. Monk is open all day long and is situated near the ancient theatre in Larissa. Larisa is a quite mainstream and trendy city when it comes the bars and cafes, Monk is among the places that are really a different color in the palette.

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