Pandora Suites Hotel i Χανιά

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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GrækenlandPandora Suites Hotel


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27-29, Lithinon Str, 731 00, Χανιά, GR Greece
kontakter telefon: +30 2821 043588
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Latitude: 35.5170893, Longitude: 24.0185422

kommentar 5

  • en

    Noah Leon


    great beds nice rooftop balcony nice view

  • Daniel Hofmann

    Daniel Hofmann


    Beautiful designed Boutique Hotel in an old Palais at the Harbour. Great view from the roof terrace and many rooms. Parking can be problematic in oldtown, especially in the narrow, steep one way street of the hotel. You need to be a good driver to get out there backwards downhill. So better park somewhere near. Breakfast is ok, but not much choice. You need to be noise resistant, because the is a discothek in the basement and you can here the bass through, our pillow until 2 am. But that's the price you pay for being near to the main attractions, plenty of restaurants, shops and nightlife.

  • Rait Rand

    Rait Rand


    Great cosy boutique hotel.

  • Tina Patafie

    Tina Patafie


    Seaview room is worth every penny - loved it

  • en

    Elizabeth Dickson


    Great location. Lovely hosts. Everything you need

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