RentRooms Thessaloniki i Thessaloniki

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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GrækenlandRentRooms Thessaloniki



🕗 åbningstider

9, Konstantinou Melenikou, 546 35, Thessaloniki, GR Greece
kontakter telefon: +30 231 020 4080
internet side:
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Latitude: 40.6324313, Longitude: 22.9536254

kommentar 5

  • Periklis Akritidis

    Periklis Akritidis


    Great hostel with private rooms as well right in the city centre. Very reasonable prices and professional stuff. There is also a cool Cafe/bar at the back for chilling out..

  • cristian dale

    cristian dale


    Frienly staff. Great time.

  • Maks Trček

    Maks Trček


    Great! People from all over the world meet in this hostel. I highly recommend 👍

  • Kirashiro Muad`Dib

    Kirashiro Muad`Dib


    Its what you want, expect and need, great beds, breakfast, reception is informative and kind, you have bits of privacy and your stuff are safe. And overall great location in thr city, in center but not over crowded. Amazing id give 5 to be honest but i want to see them get even better.

  • Niko Siavos

    Niko Siavos


    👍 Nice clean room, nice bathrooms, the balcony in the male dormitory is a big plus if ur a smoker or u just want to relax outside. 👍 Central location, close to everything 👍 Great Staff, Very friendly and helpful. 👍 Normal price for a hostel, not very cheap, not expensive 👍 Nice cafe area to enjoy your free breakfast Last time I had some little issue with my bed, but the Staff was ready to help And I guess I'll visit them again :)

nærmeste Cafe

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