Rodini Park i Rodos

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GrækenlandRodini Park



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Lindou, 851 00, Rodos, GR Greece
kontakter telefon: +30
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Latitude: 36.4268291, Longitude: 28.2199234

kommentar 5

  • Cecilia Ofverstrom

    Cecilia Ofverstrom


    So the reviews on Rodini Park are mixed and I think all of them are accurate. Sure the park has seen better days and would do well with some love but it's also what makes it worth a visit. If you have an exploring side to you, you will love this park. If you like abandoned places even better. Would definatley recomend a visit!

  • en

    Dimitris Mertikas


    Must have been a really nice place some years ago but now its seems abandoned. Nobody seems to actually maintain it, dirty waters and paths, broken bridges and no real sign of life apart from the ducks (quite friendly I might say) and the fish/turtles at the pond in the entrance. We went with our 3 year old son, he was happy to see the ducks but we didnt feel it was a safe place for children. Wouldn't recommend and its a shame for the municipality to abandon this place, it could be a great natural attraction close to the city.

  • Boglárka Egyed

    Boglárka Egyed


    We walked an hour to see this place as it was highlighted in our tourist map as a hidden gem. That wasn't the truth unfortunately as it turned out immediately after our arrival. This park COULD be a very relaxing and beautiful place but it is very neglected and dirty instead. There were garbage everywhere, lots of stray cats, wild ducks and - which is the worst - used syringes from drug users. It was very-very upsetting and not a relaxing nor a comfy experience at all. I don't recommend to visit, it purely doesn't worth the effort. Very sad.

  • Bence Szabó

    Bence Szabó


    I would recommend visiting the park as your last item on your bucketlist. It's pretty abandoned, littered and ruined. The wooden bridges were dangerous (like they would collapse if one would use them). There were a few working small fountains and a pond which had some fish and a turtle. The ducks ruled the fauna, but there were a few stray cats as well. There were some nice shrubs and trees. Watch out around the littered areas, used syringes are lying around!

  • Matt LaRoue

    Matt LaRoue


    Super nice park, don't let some of the reviews get you. Judging from the pictures, not everyone goes and experiences the entire park. Yes, there are some maintenance issues especially when it comes to garbage, but there are for more spots of beauty. Don't hang around where the entrance is, head to the back! There are many really nice trails and a couple natural caves to at least look at (Don't recommend going into any of them).

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