Spinster i Athina

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Ικτίνου 3, Athina 105 52, Griechenland
kontakter telefon: +30
internet side: m.facebook.com
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Latitude: 37.9818437, Longitude: 23.7264461

kommentar 5

  • Sergio Lucena

    Sergio Lucena


    Estuvimos buscando fiesta son postureo y aquí la encontramos, música electrónica y buen ambiente

  • Mustafa Kemal Kim

    Mustafa Kemal Kim


    Awesome music, delicious public, not expensive. Looking forward for more parties to happen here.

  • Anastasios Roubeidis

    Anastasios Roubeidis


    Όταν ο bartender είναι κολλητός δεν υπάρχει περίπτωση να μην περάσεις όμορφα! Συμπαθητικό περιβάλλον και λογικές χρεώσεις.

  • Konstantinos Danochristos

    Konstantinos Danochristos


    Good place, nice music (Clubkid = best dj), friendly stuff and low prices. Mostly techno music

  • Stefanos Athanasiadis

    Stefanos Athanasiadis


    One of the hidden treasures of in the center of Athens. Excellent decoration, though not that cosy. Music is very interesting and with many features from disco and electronic. Is a great not too crowded alternative choice for Friday and Saturday night. Stylish meeting point for artists and hipsters of downtown Athens. Try the mulled wine and the cocktails. Not an everyday choice probably but a place to start or finish your Friday night fun. Sunday evening parties also nice to attend. Service a bit slow but friendly. Normal prices.

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