Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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10, Mitropoleos, 105 63, Athina, GR Griechenland
kontakter telefon: +30 21 0882 0898
internet side:
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Latitude: 37.975275, Longitude: 23.7328859

kommentar 4

  • en

    Taylor Schulte


    The worst short-term housing experience I've had anywhere. I stayed in the 28 Asimaki Fotila property, which is listed with both Stay in Athens and on Airbnb under the host name "Cleopatra." The apartment has serious issues with excess moisture and structural damp. There was condensation dripping down the walls, mold in the bathroom, and a square meter of the ceiling ended up collapsing during my stay because of issues with water damage. In addition to the safety issues, Stay In Athens was unprofessional and dishonest in their communications with me. For example, a Stay In Athens employee showed me the apartment and blatantly lied about the internet connection, knowing that I work from home and my job is dependent on a solid internet connection. When I moved in and discovered that the internet connection was not what was promised, both Stay In Athens and the apartment owner ignored my attempts to contact them about the situation for weeks. Definitely avoid this business!

  • en

    Zack Siat


    I experienced StayInAthens on 2016. I addressed two friends of mine from Germany to apply to this company for accommodation for the first erasmus semester and all I can say is more than awesome !! The team was really friendly and their communication was accurate and fast-responding. They have great services, like taking you at home by car(with a driver) and also whatever you need during your staying in their houses they will help you with everything. Really good one and I would recommend it to everyone !!!

  • Ευαγγελία-Ειρήνη Σαμαρτζή

    Ευαγγελία-Ειρήνη Σαμαρτζή


    The most loveable and friendly staff. In order to make the right choice it provides you a variety of shared apartments and studios around the centre of the town and near the universities. They always be there for you to help you and inform you for everything. The apartments and studios too are fully furnished and renovated so as the students feel at home. In addition, the prices are reasonable given that most of us face financial difficulties. Last but not least, any problem that occured it is solved at the same time by the helpful staff of ''Stay In Athens''. So, if you want to stay in Athens I recommend you definitely go to ''Stay in Athens'' team.

  • Panos Atma

    Panos Atma


    The team was very helpful and any problem that came up they solved it immediately. The room was very clean and in a nice neighborhood. Would recommend it for your stay in Athens.

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