Syntagma i Athens

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Athens 105 57, Greece
kontakter telefon: +30
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Latitude: 37.9745068, Longitude: 23.7352651

kommentar 5

  • Ntripod Muhindra

    Ntripod Muhindra


    second worst platz after Omonoia square. klats platz σκρατς. όβερ

  • en

    Daniel Mlynski


    It is a important place for travel with the metro or tram to the other places of Athens.From here is the best place to go to another one.

  • Emmanuil Politopoulos

    Emmanuil Politopoulos


    A must see if in Athens is the change of the guard. Very traditional and authentic ritual.

  • Justin Markey

    Justin Markey


    The central hub for the Athens's tram and metro network and a must see location for changing of the guard. Pretty much everything is within walking distance... We arrived here, watched the changing ceremony and then walked to the Temple of Hephestus in about 20 mins.

  • Bo Christian Lagerberg

    Bo Christian Lagerberg


    Great central meeting point. There's connection to a range of interesting shops and markets. The place to start your exploration of Athens

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