T 'ARHONTIKO i Vasilika

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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GrækenlandT 'ARHONTIKO



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26χλμ Θεσσαλονίκης - Πολυγύρου, Vasilika 570 06, Greece
kontakter telefon: +30 2396 022821
internet side: tarhontiko.gr
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Latitude: 40.489226, Longitude: 23.120909

kommentar 5

  • Χάρης Καλόθετος

    Χάρης Καλόθετος


    A very good choice, especially if you visit it with your family and Kids! Decent food, good value for money & a Kids playground with a lady watching the Kids in a way.. Surelly parental control is needed, but If you have older children the place is ideal to have a Day-off as parents! Only open weekends & Major holidays! George, the owner, very good and friendly! A must visit place, when you are thinking of going on a small excursion and combine with good food! :-)

  • George Trou

    George Trou


    Very nice foods

  • Periklis Hristidis

    Periklis Hristidis


    Descent food, good and fast service even though the place was cramped. Good place for families with small children.

  • Vasileios Psomiadis

    Vasileios Psomiadis


    Delicious food! Also great garden for kids!

  • Kostis Kiouptsidis

    Kostis Kiouptsidis


    Very nice place with in house kindergarten and teacher who takes care of the kids. Outdoors playground. Excellent cuisine. Big variety. Local and traditional choices. Would be much more perfect if they ban smoking at all.

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