Tasty Souvlaki Grill i Chania

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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GrækenlandTasty Souvlaki Grill


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80, Chalidon, 731 10, Chania, GR Greece
kontakter telefon: +30 2821 076644
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Latitude: 35.5147669, Longitude: 24.0175417

kommentar 5

  • en

    George Lyhnakis


    WOW! best gyro ever! Clean and the staff was amazing!

  • Yvan Kurzo

    Yvan Kurzo


    Probably the best Gyros in town. Very fast, friendly service and low price.

  • Jesper Jørgensen

    Jesper Jørgensen


    What can I say, fast food as most fast food is. Nothing here that makes any difference. Edit: Dear owner, sorry if I stepped on your toes. However, my claim continues to be that fast food can be tasteful, delicoous and three or maybe even four 'bang for the buck ' star-ish. And still at fast food price levels. Expect to have a nice holiday henceforth, thank you 😊

  • en

    vladimiros kakoulidis


    Friendly service, food was delicious and reasonably priced. Its in good location is good for people watching. We had 2 gyro pitas and 2 very cold glasses of draft local beer, gyro was nice and juicy. Great value. Also Cretan ice cream they serve was suprise.

  • Paul Westerlund

    Paul Westerlund


    Really terrible customer service! I don't recommend this place. There is standing big guy who is watching that nobody can't come to toilet before to coming customer ... Really nice!

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