The Golden Age Hotel of Athens i Athina

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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GrækenlandThe Golden Age Hotel of Athens



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57, Michalakopoulou, 115 28, Athina, GR Greece
kontakter telefon: +30 21 0724 0861
internet side:
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Latitude: 37.978299, Longitude: 23.755429

kommentar 5

  • Nur Anisah Abdullah

    Nur Anisah Abdullah


    Reception: efficient 4* Room service : closes at 1030 pm even if you missed them by 5 mins. I managed to catch them on the 1st night and ordered a linguine with sun-dried tomatoes and spinach - pasta slightly overcooked and under seasoned. The dish looks uninviting. The food needs more care! There is a doner restaurant just a short walk across the road. Don't bother to fuss with the hotel restaurant at all . 2* Bed :5* Room cleanliness :5* Bath :5* The negative: offers a bottle of water on checking in. I'm staying at the hotel for 5 days and they refused to provide water for the other 4 days I'm staying which I don't understand , if they could offer a bottle on the checked in day, and I've paid full price for the other 4 days , why can't they offer the same and be nicer to a customer who is putting up at the place for a longer time? When the issue was broubght to their attention, all they had to say " it's the hotel policy!" Don't want their customer to have a good experience with them? Customers need not to obey your policies. We pay for the service and we expect satisfaction. I don't get their logic.

  • en

    Francois Bezuidenhout


    Good mid range hotel with excellent breakfast and well situated to metro and bus stations to visit Athens. Not as noisy as the hotels closer to the centre and Plaka.

  • en

    Danit Murat


    The hotel is great. Very close to the metro( blue line m3) but not a walking distance from the attractions

  • Shayan Givehchian

    Shayan Givehchian


    Nice little hotel in the city centre area. About 20 minute walk from all the sights. Breakfast was nice and fresh. The rooms are superclean but not very big. Overall a pleasant experience

  • D K

    D K


    Excellent hotel. Very clean with cozy rooms, delicious rich breakfast. The staff is very helpful and polite. There is a parking garage next door that has a special discount for the hotel. Also 20 minutes walking distance from the Parliament house.

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