Vallian Village i Paradissi

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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GrækenlandVallian Village


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Paradisi, Παραδείσι, Paradissi 851 06, Greece
kontakter telefon: +30 2241 081127
internet side:
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Latitude: 36.3965255, Longitude: 28.0654189

kommentar 5

  • en

    Gary Binfield


    Lovely place close to airport staff amazing

  • en

    Alex Hodge


    Lovely cheap all inclusive hotel. Situated near the airport means you have planes taking off closeby. However depending on the person this is a nice watching point. *note they do fly late at night sometimes* The family that run the hotel can't do enough for you. They're so warm welcoming and it's this reason we've returned 4 years in a row. The hotel lobby and restaurant have recently had complete refurbishment and its made it very nice. The rooms have also had recent light refurbishment and I believe the owners will continue to refurbish them. Would certainly recommend if you can put up with the planes! We do!

  • Julia Hildreth

    Julia Hildreth


    We stayed here last week this is a lovely small family run hotel quite near the airport The staff are all lovely and friendly and nothing is to much trouble sisters zanthai and Sofia are truly lovely and work so hard as indeed as do all the staff , Food is all home made and fresh everyday and always has a good variety , pool is lovely and we found that there was always somewhere to sit and not fighting over sun beds . Rooms are basic but clean and a good shower made service everyday with clean sheets and towels etc . This is a more quite resort with easy walking distance to beach and bus stop if you want to explore the island further . Planes ✈️ do go over the hotel but for us it was no problem and was quite interesting In summery a lovely relaxing break Thank you Vallian Village Julia and Jim East Sussex

  • en

    Jase Carnwell


    Fantastic family run hotel.excellent food. clean relaxed environment

  • lee andrews

    lee andrews


    Great place lovely staff lovely food

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