Almira Mare i Chalkida

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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GrækenlandAlmira Mare


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παραλία Αγίου Μηνά,Agios Minas, Χαλκίδα,, Chalkida 341 00, Greece
kontakter telefon: +30 2221 097100
internet side:
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Latitude: 38.486967, Longitude: 23.572453

kommentar 5

  • Lauren Rydzewski

    Lauren Rydzewski


    Relaxing place, nice location, modern room, friendly staff and always helpful with everything we needed.It has everything you need for a nice, relaxing holiday.We really enjoyed the pool and the fabulous bar- boat next to the sea.Definitely one of the best hotels in the city.

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    Nikos Balassis


    Nicely situated hotel by the sea with almost all rooms having sea view. Very clean in all areas especially rooms All personnel are cordial and very friendly Very good value for the price Definitely recommended

  • Yorgos Arvanitis

    Yorgos Arvanitis


    A great hotel with very good accommodation. Clean, nice rooms, and three pools (infants, kids, adults). Very friendly and helpful reception. We will definitely coming back!

  • en

    vasilis p


    Very beautiful hotel!!! The restaurant is amazing!!! The pool is very nice and relaxing!!!

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    Mary Regan


    My Husband and I had a most pleasant 8 day stay in the Almira Mare Hotel in July 2016. The staff and management were most helpful and courteous. The bedrooms although a wee bit small were well appointed with their own AC. It was a great place to relax and unwind with some lovely authentic Greek restaurants near by. The beach is litterly across the road and it is a very safe area for bathing or swimming. The hotel is also only a short taxi ride (6 euro) from the main city of Chalkida. Would highly recommend for either couples or families.

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