Lucy Hotel i Chalkida

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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GrækenlandLucy Hotel


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10, Voudouri, 341 00, Chalkida, GR Greece
kontakter telefon: +30 2221 023831
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Latitude: 38.463267, Longitude: 23.590768

kommentar 5

  • Jude



    Location is great, it is right next to the sea and a few minutes walk from a nice beach / lounge area. Breakfast is good but nothing too special. Showers are annoying though because shampoo and body soap are not included and the shower wall does not cover even half the tub, so after a shower the floor is soaking.

  • Mindaphi Doe

    Mindaphi Doe


    Amazing view!the room is clean.. i would definitely come here again.

  • Phil Rowan

    Phil Rowan


    Good value hotel

  • Kostis Papaioannou

    Kostis Papaioannou


    Great location, friendly stuff

  • Ivaylo Dimov

    Ivaylo Dimov


    I've been several times for the last years in Lucy and I may say that with every second visit the conditions get worst and worst. The view and the location is perfect, but it need renovation. The bathrooms are not clean. The toilet had some very strange mark from detergent most probably. There are no shampoo and etc. but only huge dispenser on the wall with multi purpose soap. The cloths were also torn. Also the breakfast is not good enough especially the coffee.

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