Di Tania City Resort GR

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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GrækenlandDi Tania City Resort



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Simmachiki, 570 08, GR Greece
kontakter telefon: +30 231 078 8786
internet side: www.thessaloniki-hotel-ditania.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 40.702863, Longitude: 22.882169

kommentar 5

  • Tamar Atzenhoefer

    Tamar Atzenhoefer


    Nice room. Very friendly and helpful staff. Was not informed the pool was empty/non-functional prior to booking. Far away from everything; must have transportation.

  • ainalex GC

    ainalex GC


    Great hotel near Thesalonniki. Cheap and really clean and cozy. The bed is the best (comfortable) I have ever slept on. Little bit far away from the City but it deserves it

  • Natalia Nihan Ersan

    Natalia Nihan Ersan


    Silent area. There is a parking place for your car in front of the hotel. The beds and pillows are comfortable . Breakfast is great.

  • en

    Cristiano Chiti


    Too much noise in the evening with some never-ending local music. Too many mosquitos. But the breakfast is good.

  • Harris Axer

    Harris Axer


    4 stars for a 4-star hotel (pan intended). A great city escape hotel with huge rooms, exquisitely furnished, modern decoration, polite staff, a very important parking for ALL rooms (and with good reason) and magnificent price (also for good reason). The problem with it, and the reason why if you stay here you sort of think that you have the pie and still ate it, is that it is in the middle of nowhere. The surrounding area is partly rural partly industrial, not bad, but probably indifferent. You HAVE to have a car as there is no other means of transportation (save for taxis which may prove an expensive exercise if your main point of interest is the city of Thessaloniki). But if you like your hotel rooms cavernous and plush, and you value peace and quiet, all of which at bargain prices, then this hotel has no equal in Thessaloniki (the prefecture of)!

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