Hotel Fotini i Kalamata

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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GrækenlandHotel Fotini



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Navarinou, 241 00, Kalamata, GR Greece
kontakter telefon: +30 2721 093494
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Latitude: 37.020749, Longitude: 22.149347

kommentar 5




    Value for money

  • en



    Value for money

  • Sasa Crezy

    Sasa Crezy


    A little expensive for the facilities, very nice pool though and clean. Quite a nice view, quiet at night but the air conditioning is far from the best. The room is clean, the towels too. A very small shower and very close to the toilet. I don't think I would come again.

  • en

    Ogo Bongo


    Nothing too fancy, but the hotel is very clean, it has spacious rooms, beautiful view and the staff are really nice people. There is also a stove, oven and fridge. A few minutes from the beach. Very good price too.

  • J. Chalk

    J. Chalk


    First impressions are good. Value for, money seems impressive, but I think we are on a September 1st special offer. Arrived late evening. Room is clean, towels are soft, personnel were accommodating, pool looks impressive... Waiting to see how the night will work out... and then check out the breakfast to give you an update ...

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