stavros hostel [email protected] i Kalamata

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Grækenlandstavros hostel [email protected]



🕗 åbningstider

papazoglou 21, Kalamata 241 00, Greece
kontakter telefon: +30 694 458 1601
internet side:
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Latitude: 37.0439475, Longitude: 22.1138444

kommentar 5

  • en

    Jan Petter Simonnes


    Can't say much about the place as I never got inside. As a cyclist travelling around the world for 4 years, this is the first time I've been refused a safe place to keep my bike for the night. The owner wanted 5 euros extra for me keeping the bike inside.

  • geo scorpio

    geo scorpio


    Please stop putting photos of your rooms in other places of google maps. You destroy the google maps like this.

  • en

    Vojko Zivec


    Stavros is very kind person. He gave mi many information where to go...

  • Eddie Newgate

    Eddie Newgate


    Stavros is very kind and helpful. I visit every summer kalamata for four years and I'm staying in Stavros hostel. The rooms is very clean and quiet, and most important very cheap. It's the best place to stay in kalamata!

  • en

    Sofie Tomassen


    Never go here. Stavros is cheap but not worth the money. It's dirty and the owner want money for everything. The room was so warm that I called the owner to fix the broken fan. He did not want to come, so I told him that I wanted my money back. Than he came and kicked use out in the middle of the night.

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