Maison Hotel i Chalkidón

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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GrækenlandMaison Hotel



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1st Km Chalkidona-Partheniou, Chalkidón 570 07, Greece
kontakter telefon: +30 2391 021080
internet side:
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Latitude: 40.7247154, Longitude: 22.6070228

kommentar 5

  • Mustafa Zafer Sunu

    Mustafa Zafer Sunu


    Very Nice Hotel with Clean Outdoor Swimming 🏊 Pool. Polite Staff

  • Ivan Janjević

    Ivan Janjević


    Very nice hotel, beautiful rooms, extraordinary service for that level of hotel. People are polite and if you have any kind of problem, they will help you 100%.

  • Hazal Gulsan

    Hazal Gulsan


    Everything's perfect here. It's clean, people at the reception is very nice and so on. Only thing is that they are missing some products in the rooms such as shampoo soap slippers etc. Everything else is perfect 👌

  • Andrei Dorin

    Andrei Dorin


    The room was very nice and clean, with modern style furniture and the balcony had mosquito nets. Bed sheets and towels were clean and smelled fresh. The balcony was overlooking the pool and it had a nice view. The breakfast was simple but tasted good. We didn't stay here too long, so I can't tell you more, but if you're looking to stop here for the night if you have a long road trip then I totally recommend this.

  • Dimitri Priftis

    Dimitri Priftis


    We stop at this hotel during our trek into Europe. George (Giorgo) the manager or possible owner of the hotel is beyond helpful. He definitely makes sure that your stay is pleasant. Always smiling and caring. I would highly recommend this hotel if you are looking for something within the vicinity. Breakfast is included in the room charge and its yummy. Dinner is available at night. Ample parking and the area seems safe. Rooms are clean and spacious. The location of this hotel is about a 30 minute drive from the Greek/Skopje border.

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