Porto Palio i Paleo Tsifliki

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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GrækenlandPorto Palio


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33 Melinas Merkouri Str. , PalaiónTsiflíkion 65500, Paleo Tsifliki 654 04, Greece
kontakter telefon: +30 251 044 1605
internet side: www.portopaliohotel.gr
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 40.9036036, Longitude: 24.3523446

kommentar 5

  • en

    Cecko Dringov


    Amazing, but it could've been better

  • Vesela Tsoneva

    Vesela Tsoneva


    Very Good Hotel . But the mornings are very noisy be cause they are prepairing the restaurant for the breakfast , and the nois starts at 6 h . So if you need a place for parties it is good place , but if you need a calm vacantion with the family - this is not your place for sure .

  • en



    Very nice place to stay for cople of days

  • Paweł Bzowy

    Paweł Bzowy


    Perfect place for rest. Best Greece kitchen Very good Beach Bar and Restaurant Service in hotel speaking English, German, Bulgarian as well. Wide perfect beach Parking places for 40 cars plus. Hospitality in hotel ***** Highly recommended

  • Mila Tosheva

    Mila Tosheva


    We came here from our office, around 30+ people, and when we first arrived our rooms weren't ready, even though we have been planning this for couple of weeks already. The beach bar wasn't ready either, they were just getting it open when we sat down on the table. Generally the place is nice, the beach is pretty, with smooth sand and the staff are really positive. Some of our rooms were modern and renovated, but some, like the one that I was in, were just OK, nothing special, have an old feeling to them and a bit small and claustrophobic. Also the room keychains are huge, you can't put that in a tiny woman purse and you had to arrange them on the docks so that they don't prevent the door from closing in our small room.

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