Acadimias 77 Guest House i Athens

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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GrækenlandAcadimias 77 Guest House


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Acadimias 77, Athens 106 78, Greece
kontakter telefon: +30 21 1198 4524
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Latitude: 37.9842027, Longitude: 23.7320133

kommentar 5

  • Boris Topchiev

    Boris Topchiev


    Scammers! I booked this guest house six month before arrival, using booking with big discount. When i arrive, they told me that they cancel my booking (20 minutes before suggested time when i must take keys from appartment) because i'm not pay them (payment was agreed in cash when i arrive to take keys). So they advice me to book my appartment again by new price without discount (x2 approx.). I'm feel myself really disappointed and was forced to totally change my trip plans and search new place to live in Athens.

  • Victor Teodoru

    Victor Teodoru


    Great for the money but it all depends on your luck with neighbors. All in all enjoyable.

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    Unfortunatelly, it was a big difference between pictures and reality. Our room was very small, the windows very slim and it was noisy.I don't recommend it!

  • Daniela Schubert

    Daniela Schubert


    Here and there room for improvement. Looking for cosy rooms look elsewhere but it serves its purpose. Cooking facilities limited.

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    Kieran Barry


    It's the cheap option, which is fine and you know it's going to be what it is. However you still expect it to be clean, which it wasn't (and some things could do with a proper scrub). The top third of one of the walls in the room was topped by glass, meaning if your neighbour doesn't go to sleep early, neither will you be. Notwithstanding this, the bed was very comfortable, there is decent aircon and the location is great for the metro. It was also very handy to have a washing machine.

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