Athens Comfort i Athina

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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GrækenlandAthens Comfort



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23, Liosion, 104 39, Athina, GR Greece
kontakter telefon: +30 21 0822 0111
internet side:
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 37.9892141, Longitude: 23.7245695

kommentar 5

  • Lemonade



    This hotel in Athens, Greece is very incredible. Cleaning, customer service and comfort was amazing. Location was outstanding. My family and I forgot a luggage at the hotel and reception was very polite. They called an authenticated taxi and send it with them, reception gave phone number and name. This was an amazing stay! They also spoke great english.




    GYROS -SOUVLAKI- -COFFEE at the exit of Metro Station "Larissa Station" and opposite the main train station of Athens The "Station" is located in the center of Athens, at the exit of the Metro Station of Larissa and opposite the Train Station in the park, in a beautiful setting with trees and flowers. Where we enjoy traditional delicacies: souvlaki (pork-chicken ), Gyros (pork-chicken), kebab, sausage, bacon and chicken , cheese burger or pie, or in sandwich or a large plate with handmade tzatziki and sauce. Even lamb chops, pork chops, chicken, all baked on charcoal We accompanied them with fresh salads, potatoes, feta cheese with frozen beer, wine, ouzo, tsipouro, soft drinks and juices . You can serve in the area or in the square or in hand, even coffees of all kinds and hand with 1.50 euros. A tasty, inexpensive and relaxing proposition.

  • Nanzing Singapore

    Nanzing Singapore


    Very nice to stay

  • it

    Bianca Pantic


    Hotel pulito, abbastanza comodo per raggiungere a piedi le principale destinazioni(15 min. di camminata) .

  • Selene Villalon

    Selene Villalon


    Buen lugar para hospedarse a un buen precio

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