Athens Connection Apartments i Athina

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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GrækenlandAthens Connection Apartments


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9, Kiafas, 106 78, Athina, GR Griechenland
kontakter telefon: +30 697 442 7967
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Latitude: 37.9838046, Longitude: 23.7329046

kommentar 5

  • Mily Barrera

    Mily Barrera


  • Dom A

    Dom A


    Not the best of stays, The toilet leaked from waste pipe...Not something I was happy about, shower cubicle also leaked. The toilet leak was bad to the point where it would flood the bathroom and hallway and beyond...towels were used to subdue this as a temporary measure. I Called landlord who offered me a temp solution for the next day... But nothing at all materialised. Serious Health hazard. I suspect the landlord already knew about this issue, as they weren't surprised at all with my reports.. Only one partician door separated two separate apartments from joining together... consequently noise insulation between rooms were terrible. A family with children staying on the same floor were so loud it was impossible to sleep in to a modest hour. The apartment was modern and nice in general.

  • en

    Despina Gioulatu


  • AnMa Gk_

    AnMa Gk_


  • en

    Маша Ткачук


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