Bechet THEOXENIA HOTEL i Athens Greece

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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GrækenlandBechet THEOXENIA HOTEL


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6, Gladstonos, 106 77, Athens Greece, GR Greece
kontakter telefon: +30 21 6800 3009
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Latitude: 37.9845025, Longitude: 23.7299758

kommentar 5

  • Deylon Barbosa

    Deylon Barbosa


    Bad room, with terrible bathroom. Well located although and vary nice staff.

  • en

    Milan Jovanovic


    Ok location, but best of all is the Café Zaxarokalamo below the hotel. Top pancakes.

  • Rocel de vera

    Rocel de vera


    Not as bad as I read from other reviews, fair enough for a 2 star hotel, sheets and towels are clean, room is clean too. WiFi is working fine and fast though am at 3F. Veranda is a consolation.

  • Oğuz Bal

    Oğuz Bal


    Very friendly staff but needs proper cleaning , fumigation & demolition

  • en

    s. the


    Dangerous area, Dirty room, smell in the bathroom, can't use wifi in the room, Don't have wifi in the room i stayed just 2hours. I was can't stay more so canceled hotel and i have to pay fees. Canceling the hotel was a good choice for me

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