King George, a Luxury Collection Hotel, Athens i Athina

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GrækenlandKing George, a Luxury Collection Hotel, Athens


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3 Vasileos Georgiou A’ str., Syntagma Square, Athina 10564, Grecja
kontakter telefon: +30 21 0322 2210
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Latitude: 37.976384, Longitude: 23.7349494

kommentar 5

  • Ryan Ferguson

    Ryan Ferguson


    Very nice hotel but in need of some maintenance. Bathroom door didn't close properly, deadbolt on main door malfunctioned and actually locked us in our room! They had to replace the lock which they did right away though. The rooftop restaurant on the 7th floor is great and service is excellent. The main spa is in the adjacent hotel which is only accessible by walking on the street so don't expect to go from your room to the spa in a housecoat! Also, not sure that you have access to the rooftop pool in the pictures as that is part of the other hotel as well. It was closed when we were there anyway. Great location and wonderful service overall. Would definitely go back with taking away one star for maintenance issues and access to spa from room.

  • ru

    Юлия Алексеева


    Замечательное место! Прекрасный вид на Акрополь. Из окон, которые выходят на площадь, можно увидеть смену караула. Прекрасное обслуживание номеров. Все чисто, уютно. Вежливый персонал, горничные заходят в номер несколько раз в день)

  • el

    Νικολής Κατρίνης


    Ένα από τά καλύτερα,ποιό όμορφα,πληρέστερα,μέ πανέμορφη θέα τίς Στήλες Ολυμπίου Διός ξενοδοχεία τής Ελλάδος.Προσφέρει δωμάτια πεντακάθαρα πού έχουν τά πάντα,έχει αίθουσα συνεδριάσεων,γυμναστήριο, καθαριστήριο,προσφέρει βοήθεια γιά τά Μωρά,κλιματισμό καθώς εχει καί Night bar.Πιστεύω πώς δέν τού λείπει τίποτα μά τίποτα !!!!!!!!!!!!

  • ar

    Ahmed Alghafri


    فندق الملك جورج بالنسبة لي انا اول زيارة العاصمة اليونانية اثينا اشوفه منواحلى و افخم الفنادق اللي سكتنها بالعالم .. الخدمة قمة في الرقي و الاحترام و المنظر العام قمة في الفخامة و الرفاهية .. الغرف جدا مريحه و نظيفه و عمال النظافة جدا لطفاء و ودودين .. احببت اثينا و لي زيارة اخرى لها لن و لم اسكن الا في هذا الفندق .. للعلم السعر جدا معقول بالنسبة للخدمة و الفخامة المقدمة لك في اوروبا

  • en

    Tristan Efremenko


    Stayed for one night in July 2017. Quite possibly the worst hotel experience I've ever had. First the positive: the room was very nice, and the bathroom was spacious - had everything you could need. Also the shower had great water pressure. The lobby is beautiful. The bellman was very friendly. The bed was very comfortable. The negative: the noise from the hallway was so unbearable starting in the early morning hours (around 3/4am) until early morning (8am). I believe it was from the cleaning staff. It sounded like doors were being slammed shut in the hallway. You could hear the noise perfectly in my room. However that wasn't the worse part. When the hallway doors were being slammed, it created a vacuum in the room - you could feel the air being pushed in the room! Making it impossible to sleep. Unfortunately when informed, the front deak staff seemed to not care saying "you were on a quiet floor." Not sure what the non-quiet floor would've been like. I've never stayed at a hotel that I couldn't sleep in so can not recommend, despite the well appointed room. The front desk staff wasn't very helpful or friendly during my short stay, so not sure what I expected when I told them.

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