Titania Hotel i Athina

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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GrækenlandTitania Hotel



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52, Omonoia, 106 78, Athina, GR Greece
kontakter telefon: +30 21 0332 6000
internet side: www.titania.gr
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Latitude: 37.983075, Longitude: 23.730792

kommentar 5

  • Nick Chill

    Nick Chill


    The room we received was equivalent to a 2 star hotel in the states. Think Motel 6. The lobby was beautiful. Breakfast was fantastic.

  • en

    valeria benavides


    Overall the rooms were cleaned and room service was on point. As far as the restaurant in the rooftop, The food was tasteless and not much variety. The one thing i hope they fix ASAP is their wifi. Its terrible!!! Extremely slow .... Location is great. Close to the metro and tourist areas. A lot of food around as well. Also this is everywhere....people smoke indoors everywhere. Also it would be nice if they provided irons please.

  • en

    Sonya Feldman


    Nice place to stay. Front desk is very helpful and friendly. The breakfast menu satisfied everyone's taste. There were local cheese and yogurt. Bacon and eggs. Cereal and milk. Fruits and pastry. Why 4 stars? There was not any brochures or maps in the lobby. In the room the is a kettle but no glasses or tea. What is the kettle for?

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    Lindsay smith


    Great value for money. We had a lovely refurbished room. Staff very attentive and accommodating. Breakfast was included and it was a nice surprise that we could still get a continental breakfast on our departure day at 4.00am. Nice little gym it even had a spin bike which is a rare find and only usually in a very up market hotel. Good location for all of the historical society. Would definitely stay again if travelling to Athens

  • en

    Warren Doan


    If anyone is looking for great deals on hotels go to HotelRaven. com Booked a room on there and they had the best rates around... This hotel is in the centre of Athens; therefore, well located for sight seeing. It is a modern hotel and has plenty of rooms at reasonable prices. The entrance area is large and there is a great coffee/lounge area here too. Breakfast is buffet style with plenty of choice.

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